Ray Of Sunshine

Well hello there, it has been a little while since I’ve been able to update the blog with what’s been going on and with the most recent box goodies.
Obviously, we’re all weathering the same Covid-19 shaped storm right now and currently life is pretty different at SHJ HQ because of it. Usually I am in the studio 3 days a week whilst my 2 year old is taken care of by either grandparents or her childminder which obviously hasn’t been the case for 2 months now and during that time I can work on the blog, my YouTube channel, plans for upcoming boxes plus all the other less exciting things like accounts.
With my husband still working over full time too we are trying our best to juggle childcare and work and so sadly those more “fun” things have had to take a little back seat, especially because preparing and packing the boxes themselves has had to look very different.
Normally 3-4 of us are in the studio over a couple of days working hard to get the boxes packed and shipped up. We can’t all be there at the same time now, and in April I packed the boxes on my own in my kitchen whilst Mia was in bed – not ideal and it took me nearly 3 weeks to complete, which then gave me a week before I had to start working on the next one so I allowed myself a bit of downtime then.
Luckily May was much more successful as my lovely parents and in-laws took shifts in the studio (obviously with a lot of dettol and hand sanitiser) and between us we were able to get the boxes out a day early, hooray!!!
So I am now here to share with you the goodies that went into the May boxes. I am honestly so so proud of how these little beauties turned out, I really put my absolute all into them and tried to stuff them with as much good stuff as possible.

The theme started after I’d had a chat with Abi from Crafty Pinup Shop who had recently released an adorable range of woven labels for adding to the inside of your garments. One of them said “You’ve Got This” which I thought was exactly what everyone needed to hear right now.
I basically wanted the boxes to be opened and for sunshine and singing angels to burst out from the inside… some of my lovely subscribers have since messaged me to say that this is exactly what happened!
Luxury Box
The Luxury fabric is the most gorgeous cotton lawn from Lady McElroy in bright summery florals or orange, yellow, pink and green. I love cotton lawn and cannot wait to make myself a pair of summer trousers like the Safiya and maybe a little playsuit for Mia.

The Luxury box came with the All The Cute Skirts pattern from My Handmade Wardrobe which gives you no less than 4 styles to choose from. This fabric in particular will work so well for the gathered skirt, a classic!
Classic and Mini Box
The Classic and Mini boxes feature the most beautiful bright blue viscose with a tropical palm leaf print, perfect for the coming summer this can be used for dresses, skirts, jumpsuits… so many ideas!

All the Classic and Luxury boxes received a pack of 5 “You’ve Got This” labels.
The fat quarters (hooray the fat quarters are back) are a beautiful Sunshine collection from Craft Cotton Company which match the theme just perfectly. If you are thinking you might make yourself or your family some face covering these will definitely bring a smile to passers-by… even if you can’t see it!

Every box also included a sweet little pack of yellow stripe buttons, 2m of yellow ribbon and the matching Gutermann thread.
I cannot wait to see what you make using these goodies, don’t forget to share them #sewhayleyjanemakes.