Reach For The Stars

I loved putting these boxes together, it’s one of those where all the colours just work perfectly together.
I initially contacted Samantha Claridge before the summer to find out if she’d be interested in having her gorgeous Signs of the Sewdiac products featured in the boxes. So this is a box that has been in planning for quite a few months and I love how it’s all come together. Every box has a vinyl sticker featuring one of Samantha’s designs. These include The Dressform, The Thimble and The Storks to name just a few. If you are in the habit of customising your sewing machine or overlocker then this is perfect to add to your collection. The Classic and Luxury boxes also feature one of her enamel pins in the same designs. It’s a great mix and match selection.

Luxury Box
Oh my goodness, the fabric in the luxury box is just stunning. It’s a new range by Stuart Hillard for Craft Cotton Company of beautiful cotton spandex jersey and as an added bonus it is super wide at 157.5cm (62in). It is so wide in fact that it didn’t fit on my roll holder so we had to do some makeshift work to get it cut out for you! The jersey is called Splash from the Kimono range and the pattern on the navy background reminded me of shooting stars in the night sky. Just gorgeous.
To go with this months fabric is the beautiful Mayfair dress by SHJ favourite, Nina Lee. This pattern has an incredible 6 variations and depending on the fabric you use will work as the coveted “secret pyjamas” in the winter or a fabulous floaty maxi in the summer months. This has been bumped up my sewing list… if I can get it made in time for Christmas I will be a very happy Hayley!

Classic and Mini Box

I took a little bit of a risk this month by sending a solid colour fabric in the Classic and Mini but I hope you’ll agree it was a risk worth taking. It is a gorgeous royal blue cotton jersey and is so versatile. It would also work incredibly well as a Kew dress, but if you haven’t got it all ready may I direct you towards Tilly and the Buttons Stretch book. If you haven’t sewn much with jersey before this will hold your hand through the process.
If you follow my on Instagram you will have heard all about these fat quarters. Usually I purchase packs of fat quarters all pre-cut but unfortunately this gorgeous Stargazer collection wasn’t available pre-cut. They were, however, available on bolts and as they were the absolute perfect collection for the theme I went for it. I set about cutting 160m of fabric into fat quarters and my husband and I then spent a rather enjoyable couple of evenings folding whilst sat in front of the tv watching Gossip Girl. It was worth it!

As for the sweet treat this month, it could only be Magic Stars!
Happy Sewing lovelies!