Sewing Room Tour

It started life as The Stuff Room, in that anything that didn’t have a place in the house ended up in here, boxes, suitcases, old Christmas decorations.
It then became a thrown together guest room for a while from when my sister came to stay, complete with old futon and a lamp on a box. It wasn’t my finest hostess moment, but I knew I wanted it to become my sewing room so I didn’t invest too much in it as a guest space. Sorry to those who have since stayed here.
Then just after Christmas last year, when my grand business plan started forming, I went for it and hit Ikea hard! It’s had couple of rearrangements since then and it’s still a work in progress. But I love it. I’m excited to spend time in it, I can’t wait to get in there in the morning!

On my sewing table you will find my Brother sewing machine, which I’ve had for a couple of years. If you’re looking for a first machine I recommend this one, super simple to use.
There will also usually be a cup of tea on this table… Hi, I’m Hayley and I’m a tea addict!
You will also find various stationery and sewing bits and pieces here, including those precious fabric scissors from Fiskars and bobbin reels. Always kept handy. The pomegranate candle from The White Company is delicious… though I don’t recommend lighting it whilst sewing. Fabric and flames, not a good idea!
All the furniture is from Ikea, I’m sure you will have seen the exact same furniture in many a craft room tour. But it is good stuff! My shelving unit contains EVERYTHING!! All my patterns, fabric, fat quarters, packaging supplies, books and magazines. Those Great British Sewing Bee tins were a gift from my mother in law, I believe from John Lewis, although they don’t seem to stock them any more.

In my humble opinion, no craft room is complete without fairy lights and garlands. These lights were from Primark and the gorgeous liberty paper garland was a gift from a friend, but you can find them here.
On the other side of the room, which is all of one small step, is a table I use for cutting. I think at some point I might change the legs to height adjustable ones, I foresee back problems otherwise.

The peg board is the newest addition to the room, hence it hasn’t been put on the wall yet. It was a leaving gift from my job at Speaking Space, a centre for adults with autism and learning difficulties in Hampshire. They all decorated a little piece of bunting with goodbye and well wishes notes. Yep… I cried!
All in all I am so happy with how this room is shaping up. As I said though, work in progress, there is still wall space to be used!