A Festive Apron and a Gooey Chocolatey Recipe

I thought so!

Hello the best chocolate mug cake in the world. Sometimes you just really need a quick fix of something a little bit naughty and this mug cake does the trick. The photos in this post may be a culmination of a number of different occasions in which this was made, I believe it’s important to road test these things really well before putting them out there, I’m sure you would agree.
Obviously this is a sewing related post, lets try not to get too distracted by the molten mug of chocolate cake… I promise we’ll come back to it.

The November box was delivered with a gorgeous selection of festive fat quarters and a length of dressmaking fabric perfect for making a party dress. Mine is all finished now and awaiting a photo shoot. I decided to use one of my fat quarters to make an apron. I love baking all year round but never more so than at this time of year, it’s nearly time to start batch baking mince pies, gingerbread and truffles.
I did try taking some photos of me wearing the apron, but I’ll be honest here and tell you, they just weren’t working for me! I’m not particularly comfortable in front of the camera, throw in trying to bake something so that the apron was visible just looked totally awkward. No one cooks with the counter behind them anyway! I could have tried again, but ain’t nobody got time for that!
I followed this tutorial from Stop Staring and Start Sewing which uses just one fat quarter plus half a meter of contrasting fabric. I used some left over fabric from the Classic Boxes to make the bottom band and waistband with tie. I love the way it ties up in a big bow at the front, very festive! This would make a great little gift at this time of the year, perhaps alongside a jar of cookie mix?
Obviously the only way to showcase a hand-sewn apron was to put it to the test, right? Ok, we’re heading back towards that chocolate mug cake now, finally!

Obviously, a pot of tea is a necessity whilst baking!
Mug cakes have been quite popular recently, but they can come out quite dry, not this one! Apparently it has something to do with the fact there are no eggs in the recipe.
- 1/4 cup plain flour
- 2tbsp granulated sugar
- 2tbsp cocoa powder
- 1/4tsp baking powder
- pinch salt
- 2tbsp vegetable oil
- 1/4 of a slightly overflowing cup of milk (I know, not so much about the precision here)
- 1tbsp peanut butter or chocolate spread (optional)
It’s very simple… whisk the dry ingredients together, add the oil and the milk and mix well. Pour into a smallish mug a plop the peanut butter on top. Stick it in the microwave for around 70 seconds, you might have to experiment a little depending on your microwave.
Leave it to cool a little, unless you like scolding your mouth, and tuck in!!

Oh yeah! I totally sprinkled some chocolate chunks on top as well! Delish!