Fat Quarter Makes; Zipper pouch

I had all my sewing bits on the table ready – small scissors (fabric was all cut out already so wouldn’t need fabric scissor) pins, seam ripper and tape measure. But I had nothing to put them in. I didn’t want to take my big sewing box as I had enough to carry so I ended up using an old make-up bag.
It did the trick but if I had enough time I would have made a fabric bag, obviously! With my stash of fat quarters there really was no excuse not (other than time) not to make myself a suitable solution.
So I made one this week using the fat quarters from August’s “Wanderlust” box so that next time (should there be a next time) I can proudly take my handmade fabric bag.
I used the template and tutorial from Peggy Sew which gives you different sized templates depending on how big you want your bag to be or what size zip you have in your stash.

I think I might have measured my zip incorrectly as I printed off the 9inch template which was slightly larger than my zip, so I just used a wider seam allowance so that the zip would be properly enclosed.
All this project calls for is two contrasting fat quarters; one for the outside and one for the lining, and some fleece or sheet wadding. You probably could eliminate the fleece but it does give it a nice sturdy finish.
I switched to an exposed zip instead of an invisible zip before I got started, it was actually a lace zip but the lace is all enclosed inside the outer and lining.

One thing to note, I know this is a bit of a “duh” moment but do read the instructions through before you start. I didn’t and ended up having to unpick all the corners after sewing all the fabric layers together.

When you sew the corners make sure that the bottom seam is lying the same way on both sides so that you don’t end up with a bulky twisted seam allowance.
I’ll be honest I probably rushed this project a little bit which, to me at least, is noticeable in the final product but then I think we are all guilty of being our own worst critics and I doubt anyone else will notice.

I think these would make fantastic gifts as pencil cases or make up bags. I would even make bigger ones and use a waterproof fabric for the lining to make wash bags. You could get really creative with your fabrics and piece strips or squares together and quilt the outer and fleece layers together before sewing the corners up.
I’ve started seeing a few things pop up that you’ve been making with the goodies in your box. Make sure to post them to Facebook or on Instagram using the hashtag #sewhayleyjanesews