In May…

For starters I have impressed myself with how many me-made items I have managed to wear as part of Me Made May. I had a couple of repeats but generally I was able to complete my pledge of wearing something I had made every other day throughout May. I have to admit though I did find it difficult to document my outfits and photograph myself every day.
I don’t like taking selfies so had to set up the camera on the camera stand every time I wanted to take a photo, connect it to my iPhone or take about a million pictures using the timer. But I have recorded most of the days to put together a video for the YouTube channel which should be up this weekend.

The most exciting thing was the reaction to the May Animal Magic boxes, I got so many lovely emails and messages from customers saying how much they loved their latest box. I always love hearing your thoughts on the boxes but to hear things like that they’ve been inspired to start sewing again after a difficult few months or that they enjoy using their boxes to teach children or grandchildren to sew is just so special.
One of my lovely customers has even started a blog A Meter Of which sets the challenge of making gorgeous garments with one meter of fabric, perfect if you subscribe to the Mini box, so make sure you check that out.
Talking of the boxes, one thing I changed this month was to rename the Medium box to the Classic box. This box was my starting point when the initial idea of SewHayleyJane was born and the Mini and Luxury came after so Classic seemed much more fitting and if I’m honest much more exciting than Medium!
Inside the latest issue of Suzy magazine I offered a competition to win a three month Classic subscription, to win you had to post a #suzyselfie on Instagram a couple of Saturdays ago. It was so lovely seeing everyone’s photos and the lady that won was so pleased!

May saw not one, but two lovely reviews of the SewHayleyJane box. The first was by Claire-Lousie of The Thrifty Stitcher who was one of the sewing producers of the Great British Sewing Bee and the author of one of the accompanying books, so to get such amazing feedback from this lady was crazy!
The second awesome review came from Abi from The Crafty Pinup, who did an unboxing style video on her YouTube channel.
Finally I was so so lucky to get my hands on a ticket to The Sewing Weekender, hosted by The Fold Line in August. The tickets sold out within minutes! I’m also very proud to be one of the many amazing sponsors of the event and am having a think on what I could include in the goody bags. Any ideas?
I’ll leave you with some of my latest videos on YouTube, if you haven’t watched them make yourself a cup of tea and have a little sit down. Hope you enjoy!