Make Your Own Fabric Napkins

The fact the it was my husbands birthday and he requested chocolate brownies had absolutely nothing to do with it!
Yes… I have a sweet tooth. I love cake, desserts. Although I do tend to gravitate towards the fruity side of cakes and desserts as opposed to chocolate. I’m not talking about a bowl of fruit salad after Sunday dinner here… I’m talking fruit crumbles and lemon meringue pies with lots of cream! Obviously if someone presents me with a slice of chocolate fudge cake I’m not going to turn it down. I may have a problem, this is why I switched my outlet for creativity to sewing instead of baking.
Ok, I’ve talked about cakes too much now haven’t I? The actual subject for this post is the fabric napkin hidden underneath the brownie. Isn’t it pretty? Want to know how to make your own? I’ll tell you.
Quilting weight cottons are perfect for this project, maybe you have a box that’s been delivered to your door that contains a bundle of fat quarters and you’re not sure what to do with them… TA DA (shameless)!!
First up, I cut my fabric down to 17inches square. You could create a paper template and pin it to your fabric, or if you have a cutting mat, ruler and rotary cutter just go for it!

Fold the raw edges over, wrong sides together, by 1cm and press. Then fold again by another 1cm and press. This will ensure that the raw edges will be concealed.
Open out all those folded edges and then fold the fabric in half right sides together, diagonally to create a triangle. At either end of the folded edge, pin the corners together. You should be able to see the creases where you pressed earlier.

Using tailors chalk or an erasable fabric pen, mark a line at a right angle to the folded edge, from the innermost crease to the second one, as shown.
Sew along this line then trim the edges. Turn the edge right way out, you can use something like a chopstick or knitting needle to gently ease the corner into a sharp point. The fabric will naturally fold itself back along those original creases, but give them another press to make sure they’re nice and flat.

Top stitch the folded edges all the way along, about ¼inch from the edge. Give it a final press and go bake yourself some brownies so that you can put your beautiful new napkins to good use straight away!