20 Facts About Me

- I got married on Halloween last year. I do like Halloween, but that’s not why we went for that particular date. It was just the only Saturday the venue was free at that time of year. I wanted an Autumn wedding.
- As suggested in number 1, Autumn is my favourite season. I love the changing colours, the slight crispness in the air and pumpkin pie!!
- I was born in Winchester and went to university there. It is still my favourite city. I lived abroad for a few months when this song was released and it made me totally homesick. Wessex Boy by Frank Turner The Cathedral Grounds really is the best place to sit with friends on a sunny day.
- My current box set binge is Warehouse 13 (second time around… and what?!)
- Much to my husbands pleasure I have recently become a fan of the superhero movies. Me of three years ago is probably shaking her head at me right now. I am LOVING the Avengers movie. Captain America is my favourite, I mean… come on!
- I love food, I am not one of those girls that goes out for a meal and claims “I couldn’t possibly eat all of this” after two bites. After two bites I’m already thinking about dessert. My favourite type of food is Italian. The pasta, the pizza, the pastry’s… the gelato!!
- My love of Italian food is how I found myself working as an Au Pair for three months just outside Rome, in a town called Frascati.

- Yep… shameless tourist!
- When I was in Italy I became friends with an American girl called Emilie. About 6 months after we had both returned home I sent her a message to ask if she was free in a weeks time. She said yes, and 5 days later I was on a plane to California. I had two weeks annual leave, no plans and a little money saved up, why not?
- I have been to Stonehenge for the Summer Solstice twice. It’s the only time you’re allowed inside the stone circle. It was amazing. I couldn’t do it now… staying up all night doesn’t work for me any more.
- I don’t like coffee, unless it’s a latte or cappuccino. I’m an English Breakfast Tea girl. I’ve dabbled in other teas, not for me.
- Two days before my now husband and I were due to go on our first holiday together, I missed the last step coming down the stairs and broke a little bone in my ankle. No one thought it was broken, I even went to work the next day. Even the nurse at the hospital didn’t think it was broken and took the wheelchair away from me. I was in a cast for 8 weeks. We never did make that holiday.
- I have developed an unhealthy obsession for Mason Cash kitchen things. I have a set of mixing bowls, measuring cups, two casserole dishes, a lemon juicer and a flour dispenser. I think that’s it, for now!
- I love being surrounded by people and getting to know them. I love trying new things. But I lean more towards the introvert side, as I need to spend quiet time, at home, doing the things I love.
- I have two tattoos. The first one I got with my best friend Helen, when we were 18. It’s a star, on my back. The second is a little colourful shooting star on my foot.
- The first thing I learnt to cook was scrambled eggs.
- I hate coriander – tastes like soap. And I don’t like parsnips.
- When I told people my bridesmaids would be wearing green I got a mixed reaction. They all chose their own dress but it had to be a 50s style, knee length. So they were all slightly different shades of green and it worked, I think, perfectly with the Autumnal bouquets.
- I knew that a full length bridal gown wasn’t for me. Instead I went for an ankle length, 50s inspired dress accessorised with my glasses. I can’t do contacts, and I’m blind as a bat without them. So glasses it was!
- Instead of a honeymoon we had a week in a country cottage in the Brecon Beacons in Wales. It was November, it was raining. There was a fireplace, a big bath and books. Perfect!

- I love baking, and for a while I sold cupcakes to friends and family. But I hate icing and always scrape it off.
So there you have it, now you know a little bit more about me. I’d love to know more about you. Tell me a something about yourself in the comments below. Have a lovely day Xx