Me Made May ’17

Until last year that is, when I started my SewHayleyJane Instagram account and watched in awe as my feed was full of people who were showing off their gorgeous handmade garments every day throughout May.
At this point I was still mostly sewing fun dresses and skirts in crazy fabrics and the thought of being able to wear me made every day was but a distant dream. One that I decided I would make happen so that I could take part in 2017.
If you’re currently reading this wondering what on earth I’m talking about let me direct you over to Zoe’s blog. Zoe started Me Made May 8 years ago as a way of encouraging people who sew or knit garments for themselves to get more wear and love out of them. You don’t have to have a blog or Instagram in order to take part, that’s just a fun way of documenting how you get on. But mostly it’s a personal challenge and can be useful to see where you have gaps in your wardrobe that you would like to work on.
To take part head over to Zoe’s blog and make your pledge. A pledge can be whatever you want it to be so that it’s appropriate for you. Lot’s of people aim to wear at least one handmade garment everyday throughout May, but for lot’s of us that’s just not possible. I certainly don’t have enough garments yet to make that sort of commitment, and so…
I, Hayley of, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’17. I endeavour to wear one me made garment, accessory or alteration at least every other day for the duration of May 2017. I also pledge to work on building my wardrobe of everyday staples, be that separates or dresses, that make me feel amazing!
That’s not say I’m going to stop making pretty dresses, I have one on the go right now. But I can’t and don’t want to wear pretty dresses every day and so I am working on building up a wardrobe of the kind of things I want to wear on a daily basis, jersey tops, shirts, jersey dresses, jumpers. I’ve also started altering shop bought jeans so that they fit better and are more comfortable to wear. One day I will make a pair of jeans from scratch but I’m not quite there yet, so I’ll stick with my altered pairs for now.
I have decided to document my challenge on Instagram, so if you want to see what I get up to make sure you’re following me over there @sewhayleyjane.
I’m really excited to take part this year and I cannot wait to see what everyone else gets up to. If you’re taking part, comment below and tell me what your pledge is.