In April

Although it didn’t all go the way I hoped it would.

When I sent out April’s French Fancies boxes I included in the mini and Classic Boxes a really gorgeous georgette fabric, who’s silky properties make it a slightly difficult fabric to work with. So I put together a blog post with tips and tricks for working with the fabric, all of which I put into practice and sewing the top together went pretty well. Until I tried it on that is. The pattern itself just was not working for me, to the point where it really couldn’t be worn.
It’s so disheartening to put effort into making something only for it not to work the way you had hoped. But the only thing you do is remind yourself that every time something goes wrong at least you have learnt something. Even if it is just not to make that style of top again!
On the plus side I have found a new favourite pattern in the Molly Top and have nearly finished my first ever shirt dress with a proper stand and collar, the McCall’s 7351. I filmed the process of making the dress, it took me a few weeks due to some procrastination but I’m so pleased with how it’s turned out.
The April boxes were so much fun to put together, sourcing pretties from French designers and makers and filling the boxes with so much colour. I think the Paris fat quarters have been my favourite so far and those Frou Frou buttons were totally gorgeous.
It felt like everyone on Instagram was waiting, not so patiently, for the postman to arrive at the beginning of the month with the newest issue of Suzy Magazine and I was no exception. The latest offering from Rosabella and Dominique did not disappoint. I sat myself down with a cup of tea and a doughnut and poured through the gorgeous magazine, where all the contributors are people lots of us follow and connect with through Instagram it very much feels like a catch up with friends.
It’s been a pretty quiet month really, but it’s full of catching up with friends and family which is just the way I like it.