Happy New Year!!

I can’t believe it’s all over already, as always the build up lasts ages and then the day itself disappears in a flash!
Still I had a lovely time, ate many chocolates and drank much mulled wine. I was a very lucky girly and was thoroughly spoilt with a new sewing machine (I may have got my hands on that before Christmas) and an overlocker from my lovely family. I haven’t had a chance to try the overlocker yet but I plan on reviewing both machines in the future.
My fantastic husband surprised me today with a gift he had forgotten about! A voucher to spend on the Sew Over It website. Having already purchased a *few* pieces of fabric in the New Year sales I had no choice but to buy more! What’s a girl to do?!
Obviously 2016 has been a pretty major year for me with the launch of my business. This time last year it was barely even a dream. I registered the name in February so I’m already close to a year since it all started, and in that time I have learnt so much about running a business, including writing a plan, the importance of branding and using social media to connect with people – Instagram I’m looking at you!
I still have so much to learn and am constantly working on improving my photography skills for the website. Although that might have more to do with me being the subject of half of the photos – posing to get good shots of garments I’ve sewn is not easy.
And just to really push myself out of my comfort zone when it comes to being in front of the camera I’ve started a vlog. Because who doesn’t love to look totally awkward and put it out there for the world to see?! It’s good to push yourself sometimes so here we are, if you fancy a watch!
In terms of my sewing I have definitely come a long way over the last 12 months. I’m definitely trying to sew more for every day and comfort now rather than getting excited by twirly dresses that I might wear once. Whilst I do still want to make twirly dresses I’m still learning to get the fit right for my body, and I don’t want to be doing loads of adjustments every time I make something. So I’m looking more towards using jerseys and making more flowing garments that don’t need tons of alterations. My aim this year is to be able to take part in MeMadeMay on Instagram. If you don’t know about MMM it’s a challenge where you choose what is achievable for you that means you wear as much of your “me-made” garments as possible. Some people go all out and wear only hand made for the entire month, others only go for the weekdays, or weekends, or one piece of hand made a day.
I have a fair few projects all sewn up waiting to be photographed to show you, and I still haven’t gotten around to making my Fraser sweatshirt out of last months box. I think this month will be a busy one.
So apart from starting a vlog I have one or two other projects in mind for 2017 including, hopefully, a new product. It’s still very much in the idea stage at the moment so I won’t be revealing what it is until it’s an actual thing, but watch this space.
For now let me thank YOU my lovely readers and customers for being a part of this, you were here at the beginning and I hope you continue to a part of it for many years to come. I am so grateful to you. I hope 2017 brings you lots of joy.
Happy New Year, and Happy Sewing!