The Accidental Top

I was so excited when I brought this gorgeous fabric home. Unfortunately I’m not entirely certain what type of fabric it is, but it’s seriously soft, silky and drapey.
It was meant to become a lovely, simple New Look 6483. I needed more easy to throw on tops on my wardrobe and this looked perfect. I went for view E, which is not a neckline I would normally go for. Turns out I probably wouldn’t go for that neckline again and if I ever get around to making this one again I’d go for view D. High necklines just don’t work with my… curves!

But unfortunately the opportunity to wear this again was taken away from me after I washed it. Guys… FINISH YOUR SEAMS PROPERLY! I was lazy and just trimmed the seams with my pinking shears. This was not enough to stop this delicate fabric fraying horrendously! There were holes in the side seams, in the neck facing seams, along the armhole. Needless to say I was none too happy with myself. I bought this fabric on a rare trip to London at the gorgeous Sew Over It Clapham shop with a birthday gift voucher.

Ok. Deep breath. There must be something I can do.
The side seams weren’t too bad. There was enough room in the top that I could re-sew, taking them in a little and be able to zig-zag stitch the seams. But the facing was beyond saving.
Lightbulb moment! It was to become a vest/cami top. I cut off the top across the bottom of the arm holes, curving it a little to the point where I wanted the straps to start. I used a similar top I already had to help me out with this bit. I had enough fabric left over to make some bias binding out of it which finished the neck line and back edge. I then used bias binding along the arm hole and continuing it up to make the straps. It’s a little bit messy if you look really closely. But I don’t think anyone is going to get close enough to figure that out.
I forgot to take any photos of this process as I was on a mission to make this work. But I shall leave you with some of the finished product.

It’s a little shorter than I’m used to wearing but goes well with a floaty kimono top. It also works well tucked into a skirt. It’s great for hot weather but as you can see it does crease easily.

Attempting to pose and look natural at the same time… haven’t quite got it nailed yet!

Have you had any sewing mishaps that you’ve managed to rescue?