Suzy Magazine Launch
I had heard that a brand new shiny sewing magazine was under development and that it was produced by Rosabella of Sewn and Dominique. I had also heard that it was to be a magazine written by the sewing community for the sewing community. How amazing that would be!
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November box inspiration
Has your box arrived yet? I'm so grateful for the lovely feedback I've already had from some of you. You lot are the sweetest!
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The November Box
We're getting all festive around these parts! I know, it's only the beginning of November but if John Lewis have released their Christmas advert it's officially ok to start getting excited. Unless you go by the Coke advert in which case I believe you still have a bit of time to go!
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October Inspiration – The Fat Quarters
Have you used your fat quarters yet? I'd love to see what you made. You can email me pictures, or tag me in your photos on social media. I have set up the #sewhayleyjanemakes just for you so don't forget to use it!
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October Box Inspiration
I've had some really lovely feedback from customers who were as excited to receive their boxes as I was to pack them up and ship them off. A few people have already made some lovely items with the contents of their boxes and posted them on Instagram, there may have been some squeals from me when I saw them. Don't forget if you post a picture on social media to tag me in the comments and also to use #sewhayleyjanemakes so that I can see everything.
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New Look 6483
Hello Luke Cage!! Anyone else watching it? We may have been counting down the days until it came out, especially after getting into Daredevil earlier this year! I may have mentioned in an early blog post that I have become a bit of a Marvel geek. The movies are great but the TV shows are so much better. They are darker and grittier and I love that you really get to know the characters and their back stories.
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