Banner image representing assorted sewing and haberdashery related items. A monthly box of sewing goodies, delivered to your door

Previous Boxes

The December Box

The December Box

The 'theme' for this month is Walking in a Winter Wonderland which to me mean means something seriously cosy and snuggly. Instagram has been full of handmade jumpers, sweatshirts and jumper-dresses so what could be better than sending a box of quilted knit fabric and fleece backed sweatshirt fabric. Perfect.

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The November Box

The November Box

We're getting all festive around these parts! I know, it's only the beginning of November but if John Lewis have released their Christmas advert it's officially ok to start getting excited. Unless you go by the Coke advert in which case I believe you still have a bit of time to go!

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The October Box

The October Box

When I finally decided that the first box was going to be released in October, there was really only one theme it could be in my mind. If you're on any form of social media you can't have failed to notice how excited everyone gets at the arrival of Autumn. The colours, the snuggly jumpers and socks, twinkly lights and pumpkin spice everywhere. This might be a good time to admit, between you and me, I really don't like pumpkin spice latte's. I know... terrible! But I do love everything else to do with this season.

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We’ve Opened Subscriptions!!

We’ve Opened Subscriptions!!

So last Wednesday we were finally able to open up subscriptions! Yay!! Oh my gosh I was so excited but also really very nervous that I was going to hear crickets. A lot of hard work has gone into getting this ready but I was preparing myself for it to take a while before anyone clicked over and joined in my little party.

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