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From the blog

Autumn Pattern Wishlist

Autumn Pattern Wishlist

I'm a slow sewer. It takes me ages to finish things, usually because I get distracted by the next project.

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My Sewing Essentials

My Sewing Essentials

So many pretty things and interesting gadgets that you'll surely need, and that you won't possibly be able to sew a single garment without it. Fifteen different ways to cut and mark fabric. Hundreds of different needles, sewing machine feet and odd pizza-cutter things!

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The Accidental Top

The Accidental Top

I was so excited when I brought this gorgeous fabric home. Unfortunately I'm not entirely certain what type of fabric it is, but it's seriously soft, silky and drapey.

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Sounds like the perfect afternoon to me!

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20 Facts About Me

20 Facts About Me

I got married on Halloween last year. I do like Halloween, but that's not why we went for that particular date. It was just the only Saturday the venue was free at that time of year. I wanted an Autumn wedding. As suggested in number 1, Autumn is my favourite season. I love the changing colours, the slight crispness in the air and pumpkin pie!! I was born in Winchester and went to university there. It is still my favourite city. I lived abroad for a few months when this song was released and it made me totally homesick. Wessex Boy by Frank Turner The Cathedral Grounds really is the best place to sit with friends on a sunny day. My current box set binge is Warehouse 13 (second time around... and what?!) Much to my husbands pleasure I have recently become a fan of the superhero movies. Me of three years ago is probably shaking her head at me right now. I am LOVING the Avengers movie. Captain America is my favourite, I mean... come on! I love food, I am not one of those girls that goes out for a meal and claims "I couldn't possibly eat all of this" after two bites. After two bites I'm already thinking about dessert. My favourite type of food is Italian. The pasta, the pizza, the pastry's... the gelato!! My love of Italian food is how I found myself working as an Au Pair for three months just outside Rome, in a town called Frascati.

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Make Your Own Fabric Napkins

Make Your Own Fabric Napkins

The fact the it was my husbands birthday and he requested chocolate brownies had absolutely nothing to do with it!

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The Clémence Skirt

The Clémence Skirt

I found it on my first trip to the Birmingham Rag Market... wow! was that an overwhelming experience! I definitely became fabric blind, there was just so much. But I found this cute green cotton covered in dresses and Eiffel Towers, I don't remember exactly how much it was but I'm guessing it was somewhere between £2-£4 a metre.

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Cushions To Brighten Up The Beige

Cushions To Brighten Up The Beige

But it can be hard to put your stamp on a place when you can’t paint the walls. Why are rented houses always Magnolia? Why can’t they be white?!

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Sewing Room Tour

Sewing Room Tour

It started life as The Stuff Room, in that anything that didn’t have a place in the house ended up in here, boxes, suitcases, old Christmas decorations.

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